
color coded eating

For a fun meal or snack, fill colored bowls with corresponding colored food.  Children can help you find and eat the matching food while you talk about colors, aspects of food, size, health, safety and so on.  Simple variety in the daily meal routine can be a beneficial addition to the time you spend and relationship with your children.

Here is a great succinct list from about kids and food:

  • Children eat at their own pace and some eat more than others do.
  • Avoid tying food together with behavior either as a reward or a punishment.
  • Eating should be a shared and cooperative experience with foods served family style. Meals should be a time to chat, enjoy and help each other.
  • Mealtimes are opportunities for children to be independent by making choices about foods.
  • Encourage children to taste everything but be careful not to force them to eat.
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